Computer Services

Is your computer giving you trouble? Don't panic, we can diagnose and repair a wide range of issues, from software glitches to hardware failures. With fast and reliable service, you can trust us to get your computer back up and running in no time.

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Call Out Repairs

We all know the frustration when your computer just won't do what you need. If you're experiencing crashing, slow running or the dreaded blank screen we can help. We can carry out onsite repairs to get you up and running again.

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Malware Removal

Are you experiencing strange messages, pop-ups, changes in your toolbars or homepages? If things are not working the way they used to, you might have a virus. Our experienced team can diagnose this and remove for you.

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New Device Setup

If you are unsure about setting up a computer, smartphone or any other device you are not familiar with, we can come to you and guide you through the process.

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1 on 1 Training

It can be hard keeping up with technology. We offer 1-on-1 training sessions where we bring you up to speed on your technology and systems.

Our Pricing Made Simple

We charge $25 per 15 minutes of labour, with a minimum charge of 1 hour ($100). This includes travel to site.

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